Susan Miller
2008-05-10 08:04:26 UTC
I'm starting a new Mage group, and I recall that the last two games I
ran were most difficult when it came to getting players to 'agree' on
why they worked together. The new group of players is friiendly with
each other, but have very different characters and want to pursue very
different goals. I'd like to try to proactively minimize problems with
keeping them together.
A friend suggested the following approach:
An alternate method to 'constraining characters' is to come up with a
list of character concepts (not so much the whole concept, but a
sentence that would fit INTO a character concept - such as, "Character
is indebted to another PC for his/her life" or "Character is a Team
Player", stuff like that, and then you make everyone choose one.
There's two. Any more suggestions (I'd appreciate any that are
offered!!! Thanks in advance!!!)
1) Character is indebted to another PC for his/her life
2) Character is a Team Player
ran were most difficult when it came to getting players to 'agree' on
why they worked together. The new group of players is friiendly with
each other, but have very different characters and want to pursue very
different goals. I'd like to try to proactively minimize problems with
keeping them together.
A friend suggested the following approach:
An alternate method to 'constraining characters' is to come up with a
list of character concepts (not so much the whole concept, but a
sentence that would fit INTO a character concept - such as, "Character
is indebted to another PC for his/her life" or "Character is a Team
Player", stuff like that, and then you make everyone choose one.
There's two. Any more suggestions (I'd appreciate any that are
offered!!! Thanks in advance!!!)
1) Character is indebted to another PC for his/her life
2) Character is a Team Player